1st Place 2018 "NBRHOF Drop Da MIC" Winner.
Amanda Altena is a Sophomore at Pebblebrook High School who volunteers at S.M.Y.T. (Show Me Young Talent) and enjoys speaking, poetry and working with children who she believes are the future.
Amanda is an optimist and a strong believer in the power of positivity; and she is this year's...
"Congratulations to Amanda Altena and all the participants!"
The Atlanta Region of the National Black Radio Hall of Fame has partnered with the Black Experience and Expo organization in congruent with it's youth's Out Reach "Drop Da MIC" Annual Award and Mentoring Program; and thereby, has agreed to participate in the grooming of tomorrow's leaders in the fields of study which they wish to endeavor. The task will be challenging, enjoyable, and a proficent way of developing tomorrow's leaders.
Atlanta Region members may contact
Casual Cal, Khalil Thomas, Paula G. Voice or Marsha George for more details
for involvement by submitting on our Contact Page.
Welcome... As we share our "Drop Da MIC" venture.
Competition was held on April 29, 2018 at the Black Experience and Expo Annual Event at the Ga Int'l Convention Center College Park, Ga.
It all starts with meeting and getting to know each other.
Students from Frank S. Lindley Middle School Mableton, Ga. Chapter with Atlanta Chapter President Marsha George
Black Experience & Expo 2018 Partners with the National Black Radio Hall of Fame Atlanta Chapter for the 1st Annual ‘Drop Da Mic’
Youth Speak-Off
The Mission of the National Black Radio Hall of Fame 1st Annual ‘Drop Da Mic’ Youth Speak-Off is to provide speaking opportunities to youth in our communities who have felt they had no voice or no platform. We seek to make a difference in the lives of youth by helping them to better process their thoughts and emotions and to communicate these thoughts and emotions through development of their writing and speaking skills. It is our mission to help them recognize, develop and express their God given voice to improve their lives and the lives of those around them---both near and far.
It is the vision of the National Black Radio Hall of Fame 1st Annual Youth Speak-Off to host public speaking competitions, to teach and develop young speakers through the use of public speaking clubs and camps, ultimately developing trained youth speakers with grand stage speaking experience.